Monthly specials offered
I am currently offering two great package deals for the 2021. Please contact me to discuss other offers or if you need financial assistance.
Package of 10 Bodywork sessions
Offering a package deal of 10 1-hour bodywork sessions, including the first session at 90-minutes for the intake interview.
This package must be redeemed within a year of purchase. It includes 10 sessions in Somatic Experiencing, Craniosacral Therapy, Working with the Polyvagal System and more. Can be done in-person or long-distance.
Package of 5 Bodywork sessions
This is for existing Somatic Process work clients. Either in-person or online sessions. You must have already purchased and received your 90-min session.
Includes 5 1-hour sessions in Somatic Experiencing, Craniosacral Therapy, Birth Process Work, Working with the Polyvagal System or Somatic Experiencing.
Can be done in-person (in central Virginia) or long-distance (via Zoom).